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CSU Igneous Geochemistry & Petrology

Petrology & Geochemistry @ CSU
We are building petrology & geochemistry research infrastructure--check here for updates!
Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometers coming online!
See the WDS cables moving so that different elements can be analyzed on the newly installed crystals and detector on video to the right

Delivery of a new Hyper Probe to CSU!
We are excited to install a new JEOL JXA-iHP200F HyperProbe (electron probe microanalyzer, EPMA) at CSU! This state-of-the-art instrument is capable of quantatitative chemical analysis of minerals, solid materials (battery and fabricated components, solar cells, inorganic compounds, etc.), and some solid organic materials (carbonates, bones, teeth, etc.) in situ with sub micron spot sizes possible.
Installed in WCNR Room 103, soon to be operational!

EPMA lab renovation
A new lab that will host the new EPMA is almost finished!
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